I'm not going to waste my time perpetuating politically correct nonsense about how its OK for gentiles to worship how they see fit. Such pluralistic notions are antithetical to Jewish law. Idolatry is prohibited to Jew and gentile alike. (Nor is Islam or x-anity an acceptable avenue for gentiles, who are required to accept the sovereignty of The One True G-d within the framework of the 7 Laws of Noah.) While Judaism respects the human condition which often necessitates a long and arduous spiritual search, ultimately every gentile is required to follow the 7 Laws of Noah, which is an intensive and disciplined way of living and not a religion (which is prohibited to the gentile). Such is the price for the righteous gentile who wishes to draw near to the knowledge of The Almighty.
Consequently, a Noahide must have a qualified orthodox Rabbi to consult with and learn from. A proper man of G-d will welcome such an individual, and in the event that he doesn't feel qualified to assist the person himself, will surely find someone to help him/her. The 7 Laws represent seven broad categories. The following link would be a good starting point: The 7 Noachide Laws (Aish Hatorah)
Here is a classic essay about the challenges of becoming and being a Bnai Noach, written by Rabbi Yisroel Chait, shlitah, of Yeshivah B'nai Torah. May The Almighty bless the men and women of the world who search for truth.
The purpose of this blog is to act as a fist to the face of the Jewish conscience and to jar Jews out of oblivion. It is a call to return to the Torah, to start the process of tshuvah gemura, and to rid the collective body of the infectious "shtetl syndrome". The Jewish Fist is also a warning to the enemies of the Almighty, whether it be the Arab Amalakites, or the mixed multitude within. The Jewish Fist has risen, and when it descends, G-d help you!
" Thou comest to me with a sword and a spear and a shield, but I come to thee in the name of the L-rd of Hosts, the G-d of the armies of Israel, whom thou hast humiliated..." (I Samuel, 17:45-47)