" Thou comest to me with a sword and a spear and a shield, but I come to thee in the name of the L-rd of Hosts, the G-d of the armies of Israel, whom thou hast humiliated..." (I Samuel, 17:45-47)

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Ze'evi's Son Blasts Shalit Deal at Yarzeit - Defense/Security - News - Israel National News

Ze'evi's Son Blasts Shalit Deal at Yarzeit - Defense/Security - News - Israel National News

The Jewish Fist Commentary: I've been saying this for years. Any self-respecting Jew understands this. We don't release a thousand plus murderers to secure a Jewish soldier's freedom. We slaughter his Arab captors and free him ourselves. Kol Hakavod to Ze'evi for having the courage to state the obvious truth. May G-d avenge his father's blood. Though I disagreed with his foolish calls for "voluntarily transferring" the arabs, (forcefully throwing them out is the only sane recourse), he died as a kadosh, simply because he was slaughtered for being a Jew.

The leftists have it all wrong. The Shalit deal doesn't illustrate Israel's commitment to protecting her soldiers lives. Quite the contrary. It shows that Jewish blood has never been cheaper in Israel, thanks to the erev rav's lunatic policies of appeasement and weakness. Once upon a time, even the left understood such things. The miraculous and heroic raid on Entebbe was initiated precisely because Jewish lives were valued. Bibi  should reflect upon his fallen brother's legacy. At the very least, he should review his own book on combatting terrorism. 

What a fraud.

Exhibit A: Bibi "shmoozes" with Arafat (yemach shmo vzichro)

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